2 Peter and Jude - Concordia Commentary (Concordia Commentary: a Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture)

By Curtis P. Giese.

2 Peter and Jude - Concordia Commentary (Concordia Commentary: a Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture)


About This Volume:These two concise epistles confess a rich theology of the end times. They warn against libertine heretics who condone promiscuity as an acceptable expression of the Christian life, and who scoff at Christ's second coming because of his apparent delay. These inspired books of Scripture recall OT events such as the fallen angels' rebellion, the sexual abomination and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Balaam's seduction of Israel. God's earlier acts of judgment and salvation guarantee that he will indeed act again. Christ will return, destroy the pres...


0758606966, 9780758606969


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